Tutoring & Training
Reading is a vital skill that supports a child’s learning and progress across the whole curriculum. Learning to read is a personal process and not all children favour the same way of learning. 
When a child is struggling to learn to read this can have a negative impact on their self esteem and leave parents at a loss as to how to help. 

 Here to help children and parents.

Reading Tutoring

One to one tutoring sessions to address a child's reading difficulties. I tutor Primary and Secondary age children.
During an initial one hour session, I will assess your child's reading. This will provide me with your child's reading age and a profile. The insight I gain from this assessment allows me to develop a plan on how best to support your child. 
The one off cost of this initial session with a reading report is £90.
Follow on 45 minute sessions with your child are charged at £40 a session. 

If you have any questions and would like to get in touch, please complete the form on the right. Remember to include your contact details.

Parent Training Sessions

Training sessions delivered to parents on how best to support their child with their reading difficulties.

As with the one to one tutoring above, an initial one hour session is required with your child in order to assess them. This will provide me with your child's reading age and a profile of their reading. The insight from this then assists in the developing of a plan which will best support your child. 
The one off cost of this session with a reading report is £90.

A date is then set for a follow up one and a half hour session with you the parent during which I share the outcomes of your child's assessment and train you in strategies on how best to support your child at home.
The one off cost of this session is £90.
If you have any questions and would like to get in touch, please complete the form on the right. Remember to include your contact details.

Tutoring Enquiry

Catherine Lyttle

Professional Qualifications 

Master of Theology (Joint Honours), St Andrews University

QTS, Postgraduate Certificate in Education, Moray House, Edinburgh

Postgraduate Cert. (Level 7) Working with Children with Literacy Difficulties 

National Award for SEN Coordination (NASENCO), Oxford Brookes University

(AMBDA) Associate Member of the British Dyslexia Association

APC (Assessment Practising Certificate) 

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